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Independent Vet Practices Only
6th – 7th March 2025
Chesford Grange Hotel, Kenilworth

Our 2024 Retreat has now finished. Sign up to receive details for Retreat 2025


Freedom, autonomy, humility and influence

We know the challenges you face in developing your veterinary teams, creating the right cultures, managing external issues and driving performance. Which is why, each year we put together a cohesive agenda of practical workshops, with current solutions to real world problems.

Huge thanks to everyone who attended and supported our Retreat in 2024. Members, remember you can access all of the brilliant learning content via the Online Learning Portal.

Check back soon for the 2025 programme.  

Watch our 2024 highlights


Grow, let go and lead

For those familiar with the Vet Business Spectrum, the CPD for 2024 will focus on that sharp bottom left turn where you are building an asset and bringing in people who are as good as – if not better than you – in their chosen tasks.

This is where you’ve moved from independence to interdependence. Your business becomes more than just a place to work, it becomes a great place to work and thrive.

Below you’ll find details of the five main CPD workshops. 

Individual Development: Create Flow and Encourage Growth

Every social interaction with your team members provides an opening to create alignment and maximise connections.  Understanding an individual’s ‘energy profile’ enhances the opportunity to promote cohesion and continuous improvement. Digital technology is advancing at pace, shifting the way we work and bringing with it time-savings, leveraging a wave of opportunity for higher-level thinking.  If the workplace fails to provide motivation, inspiration, safety, and reward then retention is at risk. Providing avenues for existing strengths to be developed or allowing for curiosities and passions to be explored, maintains motivation and loyalty. 

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Team Communication: Let go of Management and Learn Leadership

Visualising where you want to be (short, medium, or long term), and creating goals, targets, and plans to make that vision come to life, are primary steps towards success. The alignment of your team with that vision will be testament to the success and speed at which your vision is achieved. Developing individuals who value the responsibility of delegation, embrace accountability, and become trusted peers, is the path to successful and rewarding leadership… the Nirvana that is the ‘Self Managing Team’.

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Recruitment – How to Attract Leaders into Your Vet Business

The battle to attract the industry’s top talent is relentless. In an over-crowded job market, you need to stand out. A recruitment opening is a chance to tailor a role that is specific to your business needs, that offers a clear outline of the contribution that role will make to the business, and most importantly, ensures you attract candidates that will resonate with your culture and values.

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Exploring and experiencing the Job Canvas

An agile, strengths-based and person-centred alternative to a traditional job description. The Job Canvas is a modern upgrade to the traditional job description. You can think of it as the Job Description 3.0.

It is designed to foster better wellbeing, performance, autonomy, engagement, flexibility, and career development. In this session you will:

  • Explore what the Job Canvas is and how it is different from traditional job descriptions
  • Hear how the Job Canvas has been used practically with organisations to recruit and develop talent, and has served as a catalyst for meaningful and productive discussions around strengths utilisation, career development and role clarity
  • Play with the Job Canvas and start building your own
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Using the Job Canvas to attract and develop your talent

We will explore how the Job Canvas has been used as a distinctive tool to attract talent, particularly within today’s crowded job market.
Rather than simply listing tasks, the Job Canvas is centred around a role’s purpose and impact, helping organisations clearly communicate this to candidates. This allows both parties to more easily assess for fit, and alignment to purpose.

The Job Canvas can also be used to support personal and professional growth and career progression. For example, the 9 elements can be used as a framework for coaching-based career conversations, or discussions around job crafting (the practice of tweaking your job to make it a better fit to your strengths and skills).

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As a business leader, progress can be harder to achieve on your own. We know the ground you can cover, when you have an engaged, bonded, and efficient team beside you.

Which is why each year, we make it easier to share the lessons with your team.

Introduce core Platinum philosophies and strategies that produce the proactive, collaborative teamwork known to create the best results – engagement and entrepreneurial attitude included.

Who should I bring? Anyone you work closely with and who can best support you implement the plans you’ve made.

Is there someone who positively influences the team? Perhaps someone who has recently taken on more responsibility in the practice?

Bring them with you on the journey.

Have a question? Drop us a line…


This event will develop your team’s engagement and entrepreneurial attitude. It will also help them understand your vision, your goals and how to make them happen using their talents to multiply yours!

They will:

  • Apply laser-focus on projects, consistently taking action.
  • Develop their communication and inter-personal skills.
  • Seek to always learn from their experiences.
  • Have energy and enthusiasm for their work.
  • Be resourceful, always looking for best solutions.


Frictionless systems and reduced cognitive load, leads to better decision-making skills and improved cognitive capabilities in the team.


Greater self awareness and self leadership in your people, helps you build a compassionate self managing business focused on growth.


Give your teams a personal stake in developing themselves within their role and leveraging the team becomes everyone’s mission.


With our thanks
