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Surveying the profession with BBVet

January 12, 2024

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Surveying the profession with BBVet

By Alan Robinson BVSc MRCVS DMS

Introducing BBVet and Rob White.

BBVet provides an online platform for veterinarians to share key information. Following an initial interruption caused by the COVID pandemic, we are now reintroducing a revamped and enhanced survey service. These tools include surveys and benchmarking for Fees, Employee Hourly Rates, Profit and Loss, Opinions and Preferences, Current or topical events within the veterinary industry. Plus many other useful articles and statistics on the feelings and attitudes about the industry, both now and in the future.

We are kicking off with the highly sought-after “20 Common Small Animal Fees Survey” once again. The particular fees being investigated are mostly charged multiple times every day, significantly influencing the financial performance of your practice. Participation, which will only require a few minutes of your time, can bring about profound changes in the way you operate.


Benefits of the insights

A veterinary practice manager pointed out what they really liked about BBVet Fees Surveys. They indicated 3 main benefits:

  • Finding out what other practices are charging for ‘every day’ fees – and then seeing how their fees compared.
  • Using the new Interactive Graphics tools and especially the ‘What If’ Analysis tool – which allowed them to say – “Well, what If I charge £40 for a consultation instead of £38?” – then seeing what difference this makes compared to colleagues. This was a real winner!
  • Being able to specifically compare fees relative to their own profile groups – having set up the profiles in My Account they could then compare to similar types of practice, size of practice and location. Pet Proactive is a pet insurance provider and data analytics business serving only independent vets.


What is being surveyed?

Here are 5 examples of the fees we are surveying:

  • Standard initial consultation fee
  • Standard dispensing fee
  • Written prescription charge
  • Primary vaccination course
  • Standard single DHLPPiL booster vaccination
    Plus 15 other everyday fees

This is a FREE SURVEY which offers huge benefits.



How does it work?

All information entered on the BBVet Portal is private and confidential and can only be viewed by those authorised on your registered primary contact.

Who should participate?

Practice owners, Practice Managers, Industry commercial groups and anyone genuinely interested in veterinary practice management.

Not yet registered?Register Here
(following registration an email will be sent with your full private portal access details)

Already registered? Login Here to BBVet Private Portal



This survey will close on Friday 8th March 2024.

NOTE: all individual responses are submitted on a private portal and are totally confidential. Only anonymised information is shared.

Please forward this to a friend/ associate / colleague that you think would also be interested in these insights.

If you would like more information, feel free to contact



FREE Webinar:

You are also welcome to join our meeting “BBVet Fee Setting Webinar” planned for February 15th 7.30pm – 8.30 pm.
Meeting Registration – Zoom



Comments from users:

“Intuitive, distilled, useful and clear, the BBVet software is an excellent source of information to make accurate, real-life pricing decisions, removes the cloud of uncertainly and lets you assess exactly where your prices lie in relation to other practices. Very impressive, highly recommended.” – David Steele (St James Vet Group)

“This tool provides a unique perspective on veterinary pricing which I am certain will prove useful in my practice. “ – Dianne Storer (Cockburn Veterinary Group)

“I’ve used a number of benchmarking platforms and had low figures in some areas which I’ve then wanted to fix but not really known how except to guess it should be X amount more for an Xray for instance. Working through the common fees to try and find a place for the practice in the marketplace is an excellent idea and saves a lot of micromanagement and guesswork that has previously gone into our pricing.” – Geoff Tinkler (Strand Vets)


Why is BBVet so popular? 

We are in the process of tailoring a tutorial specifically for the UK audience. In the meantime, you can explore this Australian tutorial to gain insight into the potential impact of our upcoming content. All profiles and design configurations are meticulously customized to cater to the unique needs of the UK veterinary industry.

Click here to watch a video tutorial.

